We Guarantee to find your part within 24 - 48 hrs. It will take us less than 1 minute
to send your part request to Junkyards throughout the United States. Start your Search by selecting
your Vehicle's Year, Make and Model Below!

  All fields with an * are required
Year: *  
Make: *
Model: *
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About Us

Junkyard Parts Locator is an online auto parts locating service. Our service is set up to take all the legwork out of the customer having to call around from Junkyard to Junkyard looking for auto parts for their vehicle. It is very simple to use our service. Let me explain to you what you need to do. If you look in the upper menu you will see the words Request Part. You need to click on Request Part or you can click on the link at the bottom of this page and you will be redirected to the part request form page and at that time you will need to enter all information about your vehicle. Their is certain parts of information in the form that you are required to provide so we can help you find the parts that you are needing. You are required to provide the year model, the vehicle make, vehicle model, part type that you need, body style, engine size, transmission type and also the following contact information so the dealers may contact you with the pricing for the parts that you need. You need to provide your name, state that you live in, zip code, phone number and email address. Once you provide that information and agree to the terms of service at the bottom of the form then all you have to do is hit the submit button. If you would like you can choose to put a rush on your part search for $9.99 which guarantees that you will have responses to your part request within 24 hours. If you would rather choose the standard response then it is only $6.99 which guarantees responses to your part search within 48 hours. Then set back and wait and our service will do all the work for you. Once you submit the part request it will be sent out via email to our nationwide network of Salvage Yards, Junkyards and Auto Recyclers. The dealers will review your part request. If anyone has the part you need then one or more of the dealers may contact you with a quote. The dealers are competing for your business. You are never under any obligation to buy from any of the dealers but if you choose to purchase a part from any of the dealers then all sales are between the buyer and seller only. Junkyard Parts Locator has nothing to do with the selling of parts. Junkyard Parts Locator is an auto parts locating service only. We Guarantee to find your part or we will refund your locating fee with no questions asked.

                                               Begin Your Parts search Here!

If you still are not sure what you need to do and still would like our assistance then please contact us at contact@junkyardpartslocator.com


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